We Should Start Recess in the Workplace

Why is recess not incorporated into the workplace? Recess: A regularly scheduled period during the school day for students to engage in physical activity and play with their peers. A concept that is deeply embedded in educational systems around the world and incorporated into the average school day, but not workday. My experience with recess […]
New Year, New Career? Coaching Can Help

At the start of every new year, people take the time to reflect on their lives and question their personal status quo. This questioning can often lead them to wonder if their current job is the right fit for them. Moreover, there have never been so many people rethinking their careers in general given the […]
The Online Coaching Industry Boom

The pandemic caused a shift of our lives online to comply with social distancing guidelines. This shift affected every industry for better or for worse, including the coaching industry. In his article titled The Flourishing, Surprising, Badly Needed Market For Online Coaching, Josh Bersin explains how the online coaching industry exploded due to multiple side […]
How Gen Z Is Redefining Work-Life Balance

Human beings have been drawn toward the idea of harmony since the beginning of recorded history. We sought consonance in the disjointment of Picasso’s work, trained our ears to recognize which of a dozen pitches would blend together like fine cream; we lent order to chaos by naming the stars above us in the black […]
How an Executive Coach Can Benefit You

Most people considering hiring an executive coach, work for corporations who have normalized and accepted the concept of coaching, as well as the benefits of it. True right? Actually not true, as Erika Andersen pointed out in an article published in Forbes. The increasingly common presence of executive coaches in the workplace could actually make […]
Finding the Best Business Coach For You

Picture this: you have the desire to grow professionally. Someone suggests hiring a business coach and explains the benefits this unique relationship can have on one’s professional life like helping find the right career for you. After doing more research, you even learn how to make the most of coaching. Only one step remains – […]
From Successful to WILDLY Successful: Coaching is the Difference

As CEO Kelli Richards writes in her article The Secret Weapon of Billionaire CEOs and other Wildly Successful People, the success of businesses can start to plateau. Leveling up and business growth requires a fresh, outside perspective – a coach. Their insight, as successful professionals in their own field, often shines a light on weak […]
The Hard Truth about Soft Skills

Think back to the first job interview you prepared for. There are a couple small aspects you probably focused on practicing: giving a firm handshake, maintaining eye contact, and speaking both slowly and clearly. The hidden reason for these seemingly odd or unrelated tweaks made in anticipation of speaking with a potential employer? Everything from […]
The Great Resignation: America’s Labor Shortage

The phenomenon being referred to as “The Great Resignation” continues to be a trend in the US labor market as a record number of Americans are quitting their jobs. While the movement lost steam in October, according to a report released on December 8 by the US Bureau of Labor, the number of quitters is […]
How to Manage Feeling Like an Imposter in Your Own Business

Have you ever felt like a fraud? That sickly feeling of guilt — although unwarranted and false — occurs within all high-achievers. How do you know if you’re experiencing imposter syndrome? If you have high expectations for yourself, never let yourself relish in your successes, or even if you’re a woman or a […]