Performance Coaching: The Superior Choice Over Life Coaching

In the bustling modern world, the pursuit of self-improvement has become a priority for many individuals. Among the myriad options available, coaching stands out as a popular avenue for personal and professional growth. While life coaching and performance coaching both aim to enhance one’s life, performance coaching is often the superior choice, particularly for those […]
Performance Coaching: A More Impactful Alternative to Therapy

In the realm of personal development and mental health, individuals often seek guidance to navigate challenges and improve their lives. While therapy and performance coaching are both valuable resources, performance coaching is often a more effective option for those seeking to enhance specific aspects of their professional and personal lives. Unlike therapy, which traditionally focuses […]
Performance Coaching: A More Effective Path to Success Than Mentorship

In the pursuit of professional and personal excellence, individuals often turn to external support systems such as mentorship and performance coaching. While both mentorship and performance coaching offer valuable guidance and support, performance coaching stands out as the more effective and structured approach for achieving specific, measurable outcomes. Here’s why performance coaching is often a […]
There Is No Seedy Underbelly – Just Seedy Coaches

On February 6, 2024, the BBC published an article titled, the seedy underbelly of the life coaching industry. As a coaching company focused on ensuring that all our customers have transformative coaching experiences with quality coaches and a goal-focused, measurable coaching process, we find the BBC’s headline biased and unrepresentative, and attempting to further only […]
3 Ways to Supercharge Your Career with Coaching

Steve Jobs had the following memorable line: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” Great work means different things for each of us at different points in our lives. What was great work for me when I came out […]
How to Deal with Rejection

Each of us has experienced rejection, whether it was from your dream job, a college admissions process, or a high school crush. Rejection is inevitable and we all have to find a way to deal with it. But many of us still struggle with it, even though it’s completely normal and recurs throughout our lives. […]