Startups Fail for a Few Key Reasons

Follow your passion. Do what you really love. Work isn’t work when you love it. Live your dream life – become an entrepreneur. We could go on for paragraphs with the social media ready soundbites people love to spout about entrepreneurship but, (1) you’d be bored, (2) eventually you’d smell a rat, and (3) we’d […]
How To Motivate Yourself During Tough Times

Motivation is complicated. Some days we feel it. Others it’s pretty meh. We all have different experiences with personal motivation, depending on external and internal forces that affect our day-to-day, and long term drive and success. Though there seems to be a lot of discussion surrounding motivation, the “how” always seems to be less clear […]
The Power of Mindfulness

Do you believe that you have the power to attract success by changing your mindset? Are you creating every day and reaching your fullest potential? Published in 1910, some of the tenets of The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles are still relevant today. While the descriptions of wealth and opportunity are controversial, […]
From Successful to WILDLY Successful: Coaching is the Difference

As CEO Kelli Richards writes in her article The Secret Weapon of Billionaire CEOs and other Wildly Successful People, the success of businesses can start to plateau. Leveling up and business growth requires a fresh, outside perspective – a coach. Their insight, as successful professionals in their own field, often shines a light on weak […]
Why Do So Many Startups Fail?

More small businesses and startups are being started than ever before, but only 10% of them succeed. What makes 90% of new businesses fail? Most of them fail because of a few key reasons – minefields you need to be aware of in starting or running your own company. ideamix founder, Sam Jayanti, explains the […]
Why Do Entrepreneurs Start Companies?
9 Out of 10 Startups Fail
Startups are common today, but that was not always the case. In 1600, The Company of Merchants of London started the English East India Company to muscle in on the Dutch dominated spice trade. Investors committing seed funding for an exploratory search for the Spice Islands signed up for more than they bargained for: [T]he […]
We Entrepreneurs Need to Keep Calm & Carry On

You’re in the flow. You’ve dealt with all the curve-balls and adapted to them. You’ve reconciled with the new normal. And then a curve-snowball comes down the mountain at you and bowls you over. A tropical storm was my curve-ball this week. The day and week were progressing perfectly well until we sat down to […]