We Should Start Recess in the Workplace

Why is recess not incorporated into the workplace? Recess: A regularly scheduled period during the school day for students to engage in physical activity and play with their peers. A concept that is deeply embedded in educational systems around the world and incorporated into the average school day, but not workday. My experience with recess […]
Why is coaching a worthwhile investment?

Coaching is an investment in your future. Its outcome is having a full life and wellness. The cost of working with a coach today pays these dividends over a lifetime. At ideamix, we believe that individual wellness is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being across eight dimensions, as defined by the World […]
New Year, New Career? Coaching Can Help

At the start of every new year, people take the time to reflect on their lives and question their personal status quo. This questioning can often lead them to wonder if their current job is the right fit for them. Moreover, there have never been so many people rethinking their careers in general given the […]
How an Executive Coach Can Benefit You

Most people considering hiring an executive coach, work for corporations who have normalized and accepted the concept of coaching, as well as the benefits of it. True right? Actually not true, as Erika Andersen pointed out in an article published in Forbes. The increasingly common presence of executive coaches in the workplace could actually make […]
The Hard Truth about Soft Skills

Think back to the first job interview you prepared for. There are a couple small aspects you probably focused on practicing: giving a firm handshake, maintaining eye contact, and speaking both slowly and clearly. The hidden reason for these seemingly odd or unrelated tweaks made in anticipation of speaking with a potential employer? Everything from […]
Is Coaching for Everyone?

An article by Luis Garcia effectively proves the claim its title makes: “Why Everyone Needs a Life Coach”. The little known truth is that many well known successful people, like Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates, publicly vouch for the effectiveness and value that coaching had in their own lives. This is because life is a […]
Find Your Passion?

When people ask for career advice, the most common response is “find your passion.” The phrase, apart from being incredibly vague, can also be incredibly misleading. Passion is not just highly subjective and open to interpretation, but it is also incredibly abstract. The lack of direction makes it a terrible place to start. The better […]
Successful People Use Coaches

As pointed out by accountability coach Kiera MacDonald in the title of her article, successful people have coaches. This is a constant fact across countless fields. Sports? Professional soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo still values his coach’s advice at 36 years old. Politics? Barack Obama, former president of the United States, turns to a coach for […]