We Should Start Recess in the Workplace

Why is recess not incorporated into the workplace? Recess: A regularly scheduled period during the school day for students to engage in physical activity and play with their peers. A concept that is deeply embedded in educational systems around the world and incorporated into the average school day, but not workday. My experience with recess […]

How to Succeed by Embracing Change

Change is the only constant. We hear this all the time. We say it to our family members and friends when they’re struggling to accept change that might be inevitable or unexpectedly thrust on them. Or our family members are saying it to us when we’re resisting a personal change. We experience it at work […]

An English Degree is the Best Foundation for a Career

There are many misconceptions that come with being an English major. No – we don’t live in the library amongst stacks of old books, feeding off Shakespeare. No – we have not read all the “classics.” No – we do not always use perfect grammar and spelling, and we definitely do not know the definition […]

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