How To Motivate Yourself During Tough Times

Motivation is complicated. Some days we feel it. Others it’s pretty meh. We all have different experiences with personal motivation, depending on external and internal forces that affect our day-to-day, and long term drive and success. Though there seems to be a lot of discussion surrounding motivation, the “how” always seems to be less clear […]

How an Executive Coach Can Benefit You

Most people considering hiring an executive coach, work for corporations who have normalized and accepted the concept of coaching, as well as the benefits of it. True right? Actually not true, as Erika Andersen pointed out in an article published in Forbes. The increasingly common presence of executive coaches in the workplace could actually make […]

The Hard Truth about Soft Skills

Think back to the first job interview you prepared for. There are a couple small aspects you probably focused on practicing: giving a firm handshake, maintaining eye contact, and speaking both slowly and clearly. The hidden reason for these seemingly odd or unrelated tweaks made in anticipation of speaking with a potential employer? Everything from […]

Why You Need Product Market Fit to Grow Your Business

Develop your ideas, and turn your passion into projects It can be difficult to grow your business when you’re first starting out. For entrepreneurs, so much time goes into developing a product to make sure it’s beneficial and usable for your audience. You’ve considered funding, tailored marketing strategies, and user experience. But are you considering […]

We Entrepreneurs Need to Keep Calm & Carry On

You’re in the flow. You’ve dealt with all the curve-balls and adapted to them. You’ve reconciled with the new normal. And then a curve-snowball comes down the mountain at you and bowls you over. A tropical storm was my curve-ball this week. The day and week were progressing perfectly well until we sat down to […]

How to Become an Entrepreneur in College

What effect is COVID-19 having on college kids’ emotions? For many, the global pandemic has left us feeling like we lack a purpose. After being sent home early from college, millions of students nationwide have lost access to the academic, extracurricular, and social resources that were once integral components of our lives. Furthemore, summer jobs, […]

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