What makes a great coaching relationship?

Coaching is personal, so compatibility is essential for unlocking a coachee’s success. A great match means a relationship built on trust, commitment and engagement from both a coach and coachee. Our process focuses on creating this best-fit relationship for the coach and coachee. The most important empirically proven factors that determine a great coach-coachee match […]

What is our matching process?

Our research in addition to our experience finding suitable coaches for clients and ourselves informs our multi-layered matching process. Creating a roster of qualified coaches who are capable of building trusted relationships to shift mindsets is only the beginning of ensuring a great match.   From there, ideamix seeks to get to know an individual, their […]

An English Degree is the Best Foundation for a Career

There are many misconceptions that come with being an English major. No – we don’t live in the library amongst stacks of old books, feeding off Shakespeare. No – we have not read all the “classics.” No – we do not always use perfect grammar and spelling, and we definitely do not know the definition […]

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